8. 10. - 9. 10. 2020
Luděk Brož delivered a keynote in Vienna
On the 8th October, Luděk Brož, the PI, gave a keynote lecture at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna for the first digital conference for the Network of Veterinary Humanities “Doing Animal Health in more-than-human worlds” (8th–9th October 2020).
The talk was entitled Veterinarization of the Future and its Zoonotic Limits and is available online.
See full conference program below or on University’s website.
Thursday, 8th of October
11:30 am – 12:00 am | Welcome Julia Gutjahr & Kerstin Weich |
12:00 am – 01:00 pm | Keynote Veterinarization of the Future and its Zoonotic Limits Ludek Broz (Prague, Czech Republic) |
01:00 pm – 02:30 pm | Panel 1 Chair: N.N.“What would you do if it was your cat?” The Autonomy Principle in Veterinary Ethics Karen Hiestand (Sussex, UK)The concept of quality of life for horses Mariessa Long (Vienna, Austria)„Veterinarians are the protectors of animals.“ Caring and killing as a constructive element of veterinary professionalism of veterinary students in Germany Marc Bubeck (Munich, Germany) |
02:30 pm – 03:00 pm | Break |
03:00 pm – 04:30 pm | Panel 2 Chair: Julia GutjahrControversies in human and animal vaccination Pru Hobson-West (Nottingham, UK)Prospects for a Multi-species Medical Humanities Jane Desmond (Urbana, IL, USA)Veterinarizing Medical Philosophy Kerstin Weich (Vienna, Austria) |
04:30 pm – 05:00 pm | Break |
05:00 pm – 06:30 pm | Panel 3 Chair: N.N.Tracking “Large” or “Small”. The Reality of Boundaries for Veterinary Students Jenny Vermilya (Denver, USA)Veterinarian beliefs about educating new puppy owners about puppy training and socialization: a mixed-methods study Taylor Rezvani (et al.) (Pullman, WA, USA) Sterilizations and castrations from the animal caregivers’ point of view. Discussion with the findings Lucja Lange (Lodz, Poland) |
Friday, 9th of October
09:00 am – 11:00 am | Panel 4 Chair: Lucja LangeVeterinary values: achieving good farm animal care in intensive livestock farming in the Netherlands Else Vogel (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Professionalism of farm animal vets between market and morality Julia Gutjahr (Hamburg, Germany)The evolution of farm animal veterinary businesses Nicolas Fortané et al. (Paris, France) |
11:00 am – 11:30 am | Break |
11:30 am – 01:00 pm | Panel 5 Chair: Kerstin WeichThe Vet and the Virus: Encountering Zoonosis in (popular) fiction Florian Auerochs (Vechta, Germany)Rethinking Anthronosis. Human borne ill-health of animals in modern society Bruno Beljak (Zagreb, Croatia)Synchronic dog meets diachronic doggy doctor: A rhetoric of behavior Jill Morstad (Lincoln, NE, USA) |
01:00 pm – 02:00 pm | Lunch break |
02:00 pm – 03:30 pm | Final discussion: Future plans Conference Commitee: Kerstin Weich (Vienna, Austria) & Julia Gutjahr (Hamburg, Germany) |
The conference was hosted by: Messerli Research Institute, University of Vienna, Medical University of Vienna & University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.