Postdoctoral Researcher

Marianna Szczygielska

Marianna is interested in science and technology studies, and explores the history of animal health research and intervention in Poland and Germany (former Prussia). 

Marianna Szczygielska is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences where she works on the BOAR project. She is also affiliated with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, where she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Department III: Artifacts, Action, Knowledge. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Gender Studies from the Central European University. A feminist researcher, Marianna brings queer and decolonial approaches into reflection on human-animal relations. With a background in philosophy and gender studies, her research interests include environmental humanities, queer theory, critical race studies, history of science, feminist science and technology studies. Marianna has recently joined the new editorial team of Humanimalia journal.

Common to Marianna’s research projects is an interest in the material aspects of knowledge circulation within the institutional network of veterinary laboratories, breeding stations, zoos, and museums. The primary site of her research has been the zoological garden in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her work explores how the traffic in animal bodies and scientific ideas has shaped the practices of natural history collecting and wildlife conservation. Drawing from interdisciplinary methodology, Marianna analyzes the cultural, social, and political aspects of life sciences with a focus on animal husbandry, veterinary and taxonomic research, genetics, and the study of animal behavior.


2017 | PhD in Comparative Gender Studies, Central European University in Budapest, Hungary
2010 | MA in Gender Studies, Central European University in Budapest, Hungary
2009 | MA in Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland


Selected publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles 


Peer-reviewed chapters in edited volumes 


Edited volumes and special issues

  • 2021 | Tranimacies: Intimate Links Between Animal and Trans* Studies. London: Routledge. Co-edited with Eliza Steinbock and Anthony Wagner. Solicited by the Routledge Special Issues as Book program.
  • 2019 | ‘Plantarium: Human-Vegetal Ecologies.’ Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, and Technoscience 5(2): 1-12. Co-edited with Olga Cielemęcka.
  • 2017 | ‘Thinking Linking.’ Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities (special issue Tranimacies: Intimate Links between Affect, Animals, and Trans* Studies) 22(2):1-10. Co-edited with Eliza Steinbock and Anthony Wagner.
  • 2013 | ‘The Conditions of Praxis: Theory and Practice in Activism and Academia.’ Graduate Journal of Social Science 10(3): 8-13. Co-edited with Maja Nitis and Whitney Stark.